Thursday, May 31, 2007

ok so i am sorry for creating a blog about two months ago then just forgetting i even had one haha only me :) Things around here are going very well. except for the fact that school seems like it is never going to end and i know i shouldnt be saying that becuase one day i will wish that i was this age again but come on theres only so much that your brain can take or at least mine anyways. haha. Alot of these pictures are from prom actually not alot but all of them. umm...lets see what else is ocming up our youth group has a trip to magic mountain or six flags (they dont seem to know what magic moutain is in this neck of the woods.)
fam: eric came home two weeks ago for the summer and is already working
mom: just moved into her new office building for her work
dad: just like me is waiting for school to be over
so i think thats it for now. now that i have this thing figured i will keep you guys posted.
lots of love,

prom, prom,prom! me and chelsey taking pictures together before dinner.